Guardians of the Forest tour planning in Mexico

Ford Foundation organized a one-day discussion in Mexico, in June, 2017, about exchanges. This, considering that AMPB members were in Mexico City to participate in a workshop for CLUA members in Meso-America.

During this workshop, Weaving Ties presented a report about the  exchanges already done, and presented some of the methodological tools developed (in particular, we cleared out that there are different types of exchanges, and this concept constantly needs additional precisions).

Also, Isabel Pasos and Gustavo Sánchez, ACOFOP representatives shared their point of view about the exchanges (ACOFOP has hosted these exchanges). In such a way, we analyzed the importance of working together and defining a better protocol for these exchanges.

In this context, the Guatemala experience (ACOFOP’s one, in particular) regarding the forest concession as an ideal way of managing territories,  in order to lead peace processes, and its relation with the Colombian peace process, are interesting opportunities to implement exchanges that could contribute to this peace process.

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